If you are a user of a network in the Philippines and want to know information about the network of the prefix 0963 Network Code, you want to know which telecom companies this prefix belongs to. So you have been told about it below.
The prefix 0963 is a number code of Smart Communication or TNT Communication. Many telecom companies in the Philippines are currently providing their telecommunication services to all users in the Philippines. Therefore, if you want to know the network of your SIM, you can find out about the prefix 0963 below, which network it belongs to.
0963 Network Code
If you want to get information about the prefix 0963, let us tell you that the prefix 0963 is associated with Smart Communication or TNT Communication and these communication companies provide its services.
TNT And Smart Are the Same Or Not?
Smart Communication is a parent company in TNT Communication is a brand of this company. This brand offers mobile services to mobile users in the Philippines. These two telecommunication companies provide mobile network services to all mobile users in the Philippines. You have to register your card before using the services provided by these companies. Only after that you can use these services and benefit from them.
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Smart Or Talk ‘N Text Benefits
If you use Upsmart Communication or TNT Communication, you should know about their benefits. We provide information about some of them below.
Network Coverage
Smart Communication is known for its strong network coverage to provide the network to mobile users all over the Philippines. It offers high-speed internet services to all its network users. If you are in the city or any other place of metal then you will have a better signal available and you will not face any kind of problem.
If you are using any SIM from Upsmart SIM or TNT SIM then it is going to be very beneficial for you as smart SIM users can choose affordable plans. Because Smart SIM and TNT SIM offer affordable plans to their users, you can choose unlimited text calls and cheap data packages and enjoy them.
Smart and TNT Communications offer their customers various promotions that include discounts and bonus points. You can use all these discounts and reward points to avail of additional services.
Role Of Globe Telecom
Globe Telecom, being the leading telecommunications provider in the Philippines, is providing a wide range of services including mobile communications, internet services, and digital solutions. The 0963 network code is assigned to mobile numbers that are present in Globe Telecomβs service range. It is the prefix used to identify numbers subscribed to the Globe network.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What are the charges for calling and texting 0963 numbers?
Calling or texting 0963 numbers is free of cost while using the number with same network code. On the other hand, if you use different number code for texting or calling it may cost you.
Q2: What to do in case of poor service with 0963 numbers?
To resolve service issues you should contact Smart or TNT customer support and seek guidance to improve your network experience.
Q3: Switching from Smart to TNT or vice versa is possible or not?
Yes, it is possible to switch the above mentioned networks by keeping the same number through the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service.
Smart Communications and TNT are the primary networks connected to the prefix, so users can enjoy different services according to their needs, from reliable coverage to cost-effective plans, both providers have a lot to offer. By choosing Smart or TNT, you will be able to achieve the benefits provided and solution to your problems as both networks can provide the necessary solutions.