0960 Network Code

All mobile 0960 Network Code companies in the Philippines offer mobile number prefixes and mobile numbers. Every telecom company in the Philippines has a list of specific prefix numbers, one of these numbers is the prefix 0960 which is associated with TNT and Smart SIM. 

For this reason, if you want to avoid paying additional tax and want to avoid call rates, then you need to know about these networks completely before connecting your network. You may need to know about the 0960 prefix, and which network it belongs to, you are given information about the 0960 prefix below.

0960 Network Code

If you are a TNT user then you should know that the 0960 prefix or code number is a code number that works under smart communication. These two companies are the largest telecommunication companies in the Philippines. Information regarding 0960 Prefax has been given to you below.

Prefixes That TNT 0960 Prefix Offers

TNT does not only offer the 0960 prefix but there is a list of all other TNT prefixes which are referred to by TNT Telecommunications 0960 is one of these prefixes. All these prefixes that refer to TNT Telecommunications are similar to each other but their networks are completely different from each other.

Read More: What Is 0981 Network

Determine Your SIM Card Network

0960 Network Code

If you are a TNT or Globe only and you want to find your SIM card network, there are many ways to do it. Below we have given you information about them and how to find them.

  1. Open your device settings, you will know the name of your SIM card company through many devices.
  2. Go to any retail store near your home and ask the staff there for help and they will provide you with information regarding your SIM network. And will tell you which network your sim is on.
  3. If you want to find out online which network your SIM card is on, open your Chrome browser and enter your prefix code. After which it will tell you the list of all prefixes related to the network to which it is connected.

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