It is very important for all mobile users using 0917 Network Code in the Philippines to know which telecom company’s SIM they are using. In order to know this, specific prefixes are presented by the company through which you can easily find out which prefix belongs to which company.
Let us tell you that the prefix 0917 is a prefix belonging to Globe Telecom or TM. There are many network operators in the Philippines so it becomes very difficult to know which network code belongs to which company.
In this article, we will provide you with information regarding the 0917 Prefix Code, which is important for you to know.
0917 Network Code
If you want to know which telecom company the 0917 network prefix belongs to, then let us tell you that this prefix belongs to Globe Telecom or TM. Both these companies provide the fastest network in the Philippines.
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How To Check Remaining Load On 0917 Number?
If you are using a mobile number starting with 0917 network code and want to check the details or load of this number, then you have to dial *143# on your mobile. After dialing this you will have a menu show which will pop up in your mobile.
You can check your current balance by following the instructions given below. Apart from this, if you want to get any kind of information, you can go to the official website of Globe Telecom or contact the customer service of Globe Telecom.
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What 0917 Prefix Indicates?
This 0917 prefix phone number indicates which particular telecom company it belongs to in the Philippines. You can take advantage of various plans and offers at affordable prices by knowing your prefix or network code.
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Benefits Of Knowing Network Code
After knowing the network code you can save your money and extra charges besides being able to use call text or data at lower charges.
Every network in the Philippines is associated with a Globe SIM or TM SIM. So if you know about your code, you can subscribe to unlimited calls or texts associated with your network.